Acquisto: Terreno
Pologne Lodzkie ŁódźTerreno
Land 2005m2
We're offering for sale a building plot located in center of Poland - Łódź -in the Mileszki street close to the Pomorska street.
In the year 2024 the Mileszki street has been renovated, so the road is perfect and it has all necessery utilities.
The neighboorhood consists of one-family houses.
The Pomorska street has a quick and easy access to the center of Łódź and also to the highway.
The building plot already has development conditions, which allows creating a design and later the construction itself. In the gallery you can find visualization of one of the construction ideas, which is making three semi-detached hauses.
Dear Investors
our real estate office hires people with around 20 years of experience in the business. Eeach of our clients has our full commitment, so that all of their needs and expectations could be fulfilled. The market in which we have the biggest experience is the city of Lodz.
Lodz is one of the biggest Polish cities, located right in the middle of Poland. Our city has easy road access, there is network of expressways and railway lines to all Polish agglomerations (e.g. Warsaw - 1.15 hours, Wrocław - 2.5 hours, Poznań - 2.5 hours, Kraków - 3 hours, Gdańsk - 3.5 hours). There is also a local airport here.
For several years, the city has been experiencing intensive development (urban programs for the revitalization of tenement houses and post-industrial areas, construction of numerous factories in the household appliances industry and logistics centers, and construction of new apartments). Currently implemented national infrastructure projects related to the construction of high-speed railways (Łódź is located at a key point on the route), the beginning of the construction of the Central Communication Port with the largest airport in Central Europe (distance: 73 km) and the further expansion of the highway network make this city an extremely attractive location for an investment.
Lodz is also a host to all kinds of concerts and cultural events, becoming even more attractive city for tourists. Located around the longest shopping street in Poland - Piotrkowska street- tenement houses with numerous cafes and restaurants attract lots of tourists. Łódź is among the cities worth visiting, which was even noticed recently by the British "The Independent".
The scope of services offered by our office is:
- purchase and sale of real estate - searching for real estate according to planned criteria for buyers, searching clients for sellers, representing the client in front of notaries;
- valuation – cooperation with appraisers;
- design - representation in offices in order to obtain the necessary permits, also in front of suppliers of water, electricity, gas, internet and conducting arrangements with designers, obtaining building permits;
- visualizations - preparation of visualizations of planned works;
- construction - valuation of planned works, hiring contractors, supervision of implementation, acceptance of works and obtaining an occupancy permit;
- rental - rental of apartments, houses, service and business spaces, supervision of the use of real estate by landlords in accordance with the contract;
2005 m² di terreno
Spese di agenzia incluse
Prezzo/m²: 59,85 €/m²
Cambia valuta
Riferimento: 001
Agenzia: DDM
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